Sleep Apnea Guide

I have sleep apnea and use this blog to provide unbiased info about sleep apnea to create sleep apnea awareness. If you have sleep apnea, it is important to seek treatment.

Are you tired like a zombie?

This interesting article talks about the US being a nation of zombies. This nation of zombies is made up of people who are sleep deprived.

It points out that some people do not even know they are sleep deprived.

Amongst the different causes of sleep deprivation is sleep apnea, a condition that interferes with normal breathing at night, causing abnormally low levels of oxygen to be breathed in.


I've moved. Visit!!!

Visit my new website about sleep apnea - for more information about sleep apnea!!!!

About this blog

This website aims to create awareness about Sleep Apnea. I'm not a doctor or an expert on Sleep Apnea. If you have questions, please see your doctor.

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