Why climb a mountain when you can take a paved road on your sleep apnea treatment journey? The best sleep apnea books are the key to an easier sleep apnea treatment experience, from diagnosis to everyday life.
The amount of time a doctor can spend with a patient is limited, yet what a sleep apnea patient should know is wide-ranging. There's a lot to know about sleep apnea.
I wish my doctors said "here, read these books on sleep apnea and call me if you have any questions." Most doctors fail to give this sort of guidance, so I've compiled a list of the best sleep apnea books.
If you just learned from your doctor that you have sleep apnea, these books will give you a lot of confidence in dealing with your treatment and will make it easier to know the right questions to ask your doctor.
When I first asked my primary care doctor is there was anything I could do to stop snoring, my doctor asked me a bunch of questions and then signed me up to see a specialist for a sleep study. I had no idea what to expect - sleep apnea was unknown territory. I wish my doctor had handed me a brochure or book or something!
Soon I had a diagnosis of severe sleep apnea and started using a CPAP machine.
Initially treatment was difficult and the CPAP mask covering my wasn't working out for me because it caused both nasal dryness and it didn't seem to be working. I later switched to a full-face mask and it solved both the nasal dryness and allowed me to breath through my mouth while sleeping. Now I sleep faithfully with a CPAP mask on every night, glad that treatment I have treatment.
There was a lot of trial and error to get where I am today. In retrospect, it would have been easier if I had read a few books earlier on in the process.
Each of us will have a unique sleep apnea treatment path and set of experiences. Knowing the facts can make the journey an easier path to travel.