Sleep Apnea Guide

I have sleep apnea and use this blog to provide unbiased info about sleep apnea to create sleep apnea awareness. If you have sleep apnea, it is important to seek treatment.

Is there a way to prevent CPAP headgear strap marks?

Sometimes during the continuous quest to prevent mask leaks, I strap on the mask too tight and wind up with red marks from the straps. The strap irritates my neck and ears. Appearantly, this is common enough to have a solution.

There's at least one product that helps prevent strap marks. I haven't tried it, so I cannot say if it is any good or not, but the name is "StrapGuard". It looks like it is just a soft cloth that wraps around pretty much any CPAP mask headgear strap. One place I saw this online charged $15. If you know how to sew, you could probably make your own.

I'd prefer that my insurance company paid for these types of things. I'm not even going to try asking, because I know they won't. It would be nice if headgear manufacturers actually build this cushioning into their products.

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This website aims to create awareness about Sleep Apnea. I'm not a doctor or an expert on Sleep Apnea. If you have questions, please see your doctor.

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